17 October, 2008

special sphagetti....>.<

after class we were heading to rain's house..
coz he promised to cook for us sphagetti...yeah!!!!!!..>.<
it was really surprised me when i heard he gonna cook..
it smell a bit fishy..hehehe..
coz i dun even noe he can cook..hehehe
anyway he did cook for us..
a special-sour-watery sphegetti....
actually it taste not bad..
( maybe we were too hungry..)
it was his 1st time made sphegetti..
so technically, it was really not bad..
after meal..guys were so desperate to play majong..
four of us sat up the table quickly and started to play..
guys bully gals..
liwei n i only won one round..
those guys ....haizzzzz
really bad luck..always let those won....
when four of us were playing majong happily,
there was someone keep washing all the dishes..
pity rain...
he gotta clean up all the dishes..
host have to serve guest..hahahah...jk,jk,jk
we had been playing majong for two hours..
kk was the big winner..
>.< .......
the sky getting darker..
obviously, it was going to rain..
so all of us was ready to head back home...
mmm..not bad..
i taste a special new recipe of sphagetti today..

p.s. i forgot my bottle in t.ren car... T.T....haiz..forgetful gal..

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