07 October, 2008

american history is killing me slowly..

yah...it is truth..
i wonder why the english used in the text book is so hard..
if i got time, i may take one week to understand thoroughly only one chapter..
yah..i m not a speed reader..
how much i wish that i can study faster..mmm..
like a scanner..
'DEE!!' the information send through to my mind in less than a seconds...
muahahaha...wat a brilliant idea..
haiz..MAY..plz wake up!!
it can only be an idea..
it is impossible to become realistic..

it been one week that i havent studied..
i gonna catch up a lots quickly..especially american history..
well..i will try my best..
no matter how far i can go..but just carry on...yeah~~~~U.U
no matter how worst my result could be..
catch the time to study anyway..

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