30 September, 2008

wow..so tired..

today..yah i was going to 1 utama as usual..
i was wearing the terrible shoes..
it was hurting my feet..
i cant even walk properly with that black devil shoes..
i got no choice..
i gotta wearing this when i m working..
''beauty is hurting''(i hate that )
and as usual,..( - _-'')
the indians old tedious women still keep bullying and interrupting me..
she didnt simply let me in when i was writing down the pass book..
she was going too far..men...
keep getting into my hair..
i coundlnt stand v her..
alrite...took a breath..
i wont argue with that old women..
just let it be...let it be...

today was damnnnnnnn quite..
no customer...
thank god..rain was coming to 1utama in afternoon..
so i could take a break v him..
shock me when i found him sitting beside christine dior section..
we were having lunch together..
he is my damn silly frenz..muahahaha..
anyway..it was quite good..coz havent been saw him since after public holiday..

time pass quickly..
especially when u r enjoying..
(-_- time is freezing when i m working)
alrite..i gotta get back to work after a lunch..
he was looking for his frenz..( maybe is a gf..muahaha-gossiping)

my workmate felt not well suddenly...
she had been vomited three times..
what a poor girl...
she was going back earlier..
all rite..
who would be the next poor gal..??
u r rite..thats me..
coz i gonna handle the both right n left section alone..
(men..it is not a small section)
and i gonna do closing alone
(omg..do u noe there are about 50 bottle of fragrance need to be pack into a single box..)
wow..and what the worst??
yah..i coudnt even take a 15min break..
what a f**king day it was...

i met a weird customer today..
he was a guy as my age..
mmm..he was asking my phone number when we both walking to the cashier counter..
i din gv him..yah...not that i m arrogant..
just...i wont simply gv number to a stranger..rite..
it is general..

the story ends..
emm..really tired..
and very tired..
what else??
yah..definitely tired..
my feet is hurting..
my painful is beyond word..

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