27 September, 2008

chritian dior promoter

the day before i work as fragrance promoter in 1u..
i fall asleep at 4am..
yah..it sound crazy..
definitely silly..
wat is the 'reward' for staying up late?
the tireness and troblesome..
i was damn tired when i tried to get up from my lovely bed in the morning..
i gt there on time by the way..
there was a old lady standing in the Cristine Dior counter..
she was in frown while talking to me..
it didn't do any effect to my mood anyway.
there were a lots of thing i have to learn in the 1st time.
so i wont blame on or complaint abt something
eventhough i was suffering..
that why i can learn somthing which is not affordable..
(i was so lucky..i met my workmate..haizzzz..omg..how embarrasting..)( there is a secret..)
beside our department..there was ogawa promotion section..
some of the guy was lyk wondering my contact number.
i refused to gv them anyway..
i met a weird uncle..
i met a rich men oso..
( how rich can that guy be??) u wont know except u buy the fragrance..
emm..my leg boken finally..
i can walk hardly..
anyway i wud get a paid over hundred today..
gambateh maymay..
tmr will hit the target as well..

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